Monday, November 3, 2014

Smartphones and USB Flash Drives Should be Treated as Toothbrushes – Personal Use Only

Universal Serial Bus ports (USB) have become essential because they are just that, universal. Cell phone chargers, computer mice, printers, keyboards and more can all connect to your computer with ease because of the universality of USB ports. But that ease of connection may actually be considered a flaw, as anything that connects via USB to your computer can be reprogrammed to pose as another device. A USB stick could be programmed to pose as a keyboard, then type commands that allow complete control of your computer. USBs can also pose as network cards, which allow rerouting of your internet traffic so that everything you view may be viewed by someone else. These situations can lead to identity theft, bank fraud, extortion and more. Unfortunately, antivirus and protection software cannot catch these issues, as it is not technically a computer virus. To protect your computer and your personal information, do not let just anyone charge their phone or plug a USB drive into your computer. Security experts recommend considering your USB drives as personal use only, and to be extremely cautious when allowing others access.

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