Wednesday, December 4, 2013

CryptoLocker Virus: What You Need to Know

A new computer virus called the CryptoLocker has infected more than 12,000 computers in a week, mostly in the United States. This virus is opened by victims clicking on what appear to be normal e-mails, claiming to be from banks or other financial institutions, and downloading the attachments in the e-mail. What the CryptoLocker does then is hack into your system, locate the most sensitive files, and then hold those files ransom until you agree to pay the given ransom to get your files back. In the average case, the virus’ authors allow 72 hours for victims to pay roughly $200 through BitCoin or MoneyPak. If you do not pay up, they will destroy the files. Recently, the Massachusetts police department has admitted to paying the BitCoin ransom when the CryptoLocker attacked their system after an employee clicked on an infected attachment. To avoid downloading this virus, be wary of e-mails you receive and do not open attachments unless you were expecting the e-mail or it is from a company you trust.
For more information about the CryptoLocker virus and how to protect your software, please visit the websites linked below:

518 Arbor Hill Rd.
 Kernersville, NC 27284
 Ph: 336-996-3338

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