Monday, December 30, 2013

Software Support from McDaniel & Company, PLLC

Choosing the right type of business software can be very confusing, but McDaniel & Company, PLLC is here to help you. Our website features a variety of information about QuickBooks and Sage products. Current news, comparison charts, pricing and demos of the software products are all featured on our website. There are also Contact Forms provided for you to fill out with your contact information and any questions you may have. Being Certified Premier Advisors, we are fully trained and prepared to answer any questions you may have.
 If you would like to speak directly with someone from our office regarding software support, call us at 336-996-3338, or visit our website.
518 Arbor Hill Rd.
 Kernersville, NC 27284
 Ph: 336-996-3338


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Software Tax Rate Updates

As 2013 comes to close and 2014 approaches, please be advised that your State Unemployment Tax Rate needs to be updated in your software for 2014. The Federal and State Tax Tables also need to be updated if you process your payroll internally. If you would like assistance with updating tax rates and/or tax tables, please contact us! If you are not processing your payroll internally, you will need to provide your State Unemployment Tax Rate for 2014 to the company that will be processing your payroll. As Federal, State and local payroll tax rates change frequently, it is important to keep your software updated to ensure accurate payroll withholding and reporting. Please call our office if you have any questions or need assistance updating your software!
518 Arbor Hill Rd.
 Kernersville, NC 27284
 Ph: 336-996-3338

Monday, December 23, 2013

New Reversible USB

Everyone has dealt with the annoyance of trying to plug in their USB cable and inserting it the wrong way. Well, a new USB is being introduced to solve that problem. The new USB Type-C connector is a completely new design that is smaller than USB connectors are now, and will be reversible. This new connector will not work with existing USB plugs, but will be able to deliver power, data and video across all of your devices without the need for another connector. The Type-C connector is currently being designed, and will be up for industry review in 2014. Final specifications are expected to be published by the middle of next year.
Tell us in the comments: Are you excited about this new USB connector?
518 Arbor Hill Rd.
 Kernersville, NC 27284
 Ph: 336-996-3338

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Need to Order Tax Forms?

If we are not preparing your 1099s, W-2s, etc., it is a good idea to go ahead and order those tax forms! You can order these forms from many places including the Internal Revenue Service website, Staples, or Intuit, among others. Most companies have tax preparation forms available for purchase now. 1099s and W-2s are due to be delivered to the recipient by January 31, 2014, so do not delay ordering your forms! If you have questions about what kind of tax forms you need to purchase for your business, please contact us.
518 Arbor Hill Rd.
 Kernersville, NC 27284
 Ph: 336-996-3338

Monday, December 16, 2013

What You Need to Know About Bitcoin

If you have paid attention to the news lately, chances are you have heard something about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a digital currency on an open source payment network that was introduced in 2009. Funds are transferred between Bitcoin addresses, and spending these funds requires users to send a payment message that has been digitally signed with the customer’s cryptographic key. The popularity of this payment technology is relatively new, but is growing very quickly. With such a new currency, it is important to be safe and protect your information should you decide to test Bitcoin out. Computer World has posted an article that relays the top three risks of Bitcoin:
1.      Bitcoin fund transfers are irreversible, so it is important to be extremely cautious when completing Bitcoin transactions. Once you send the funds, there is no guarantee that you will get them back.
2.      Bitcoin funds are processed through electronic keys, and if these keys were decrypted they could be used by sent to another user. Although you do not want to over-encrypt the keys, it is important to keep them safe and protected from hackers.
3.      Some federal agencies are on board, but most commercial banks are still unsure of Bitcoin. Although Bitcoin is deigned to run without any bank interference, the lack of support from commercial banks reduces the amount of regulation that is put on Bitcoin.
It is highly suggested to thoroughly do your research before using bitcoins. If you have any questions, please contact us, or click on the links below for more information.
518 Arbor Hill Rd.
 Kernersville, NC 27284
 Ph: 336-996-3338

Thursday, December 12, 2013

2 Million Social Media Passwords Stolen by Hackers

My Fox 8 recently reported that hackers had stolen almost two million usernames and passwords for social media accounts such as Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, Google, and more. The hackers stole roughly 1.6 million website log-in credentials and over 320,000 e-mail account credentials. According to USA Today, the numbers of breaches to website accounts is as follows:
·         318,121 passwords from Facebook
·         59,549 passwords from Yahoo
·         54, 437 from Google
·         21, 708 from Twitter
·         8,490 from LinkedIn
7,978 ADP (payroll service provider) accounts have also been hacked, which could have serious financial repercussions for the account holders. This hack attack is global, with passwords being stolen from the Netherlands, Thailand, Germany, Singapore, Indonesia, and the United States. It is strongly recommended to update all of your log-in credentials for your website accounts, and be wary of any suspicious activity occurring on your accounts.
518 Arbor Hill Rd.
 Kernersville, NC 27284
 Ph: 336-996-3338

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Importance of Smartphone Security

Smartphones hold so much of our personal information, yet we tend to not use the best security on these devices. It’s very important to keep personal information in your smartphone secure, especially if you use your smartphone for banking purposes. ABC News posted an article with the top 5 tips for keeping your smartphone secure:
1.      Lock your phone: Set a password on your phone, and make it hard to guess. Experts recommend using a difficult password, not 1111, 1234, etc.
2.      Install security software: You probably would not think that a phone needs security software, but smartphones are basically small computers. The article recommends contacting CNet and MacWorld for the best security software options for your smartphone.
3.      Don’t save financial passwords: When you log into your banking website, do not select the option to remember that password. If your smartphone were to be stolen and the thief was able to guess your lock password, then they will have all of your banking information at their fingertips.
4.      Install track and wipe software: Track and wipe software will track your phone if it is stolen, and wipe out all the contents of the phone so that thieves will not see any of your information.
5.      Don’t use the same password for everything: This tip applies for all of your online accounts. Using the same password for every account you have increases the likelihood of hackers getting into your personal information.
Tell us in the comments: What do you do to keep your smartphone secure?

518 Arbor Hill Rd.
 Kernersville, NC 27284
 Ph: 336-996-3338


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

CryptoLocker Virus: What You Need to Know

A new computer virus called the CryptoLocker has infected more than 12,000 computers in a week, mostly in the United States. This virus is opened by victims clicking on what appear to be normal e-mails, claiming to be from banks or other financial institutions, and downloading the attachments in the e-mail. What the CryptoLocker does then is hack into your system, locate the most sensitive files, and then hold those files ransom until you agree to pay the given ransom to get your files back. In the average case, the virus’ authors allow 72 hours for victims to pay roughly $200 through BitCoin or MoneyPak. If you do not pay up, they will destroy the files. Recently, the Massachusetts police department has admitted to paying the BitCoin ransom when the CryptoLocker attacked their system after an employee clicked on an infected attachment. To avoid downloading this virus, be wary of e-mails you receive and do not open attachments unless you were expecting the e-mail or it is from a company you trust.
For more information about the CryptoLocker virus and how to protect your software, please visit the websites linked below:

518 Arbor Hill Rd.
 Kernersville, NC 27284
 Ph: 336-996-3338